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Celebrate Women’s Equity Day with These Five Empowering Books

Sara Hecht

August 26th is Women’s Equity Day! On this national holiday, we celebrate the historic 19th Amendment, which prohibits the United States government from denying citizens the right to vote based on sex. We honor this landmark event as a reminder of the hurdles the heroic women who faced violence and discrimination had to overcome.

To help educate and bring awareness to powerful women in American and global history, we have chosen five books that highlight the strength of many amazing women, proving to all children, especially young girls, that they can do anything they put their minds to!

Access Books Bay Area is committed to providing readers with books which feature diverse voices so all children feel included and represented. Below are 5 books for all ages about women and their incredible stories.

The Amazing Power of Girls by Maria Marianayagam

Ages 4 - 8

Are you looking for a STEM-focused book about the power of girls? Look no further! The various forces at work in our world are personified as girls, allowing for an easy-to-understand and motivational read.

Dare to Question by Jasmine Sterling

Ages 5 +

Meet Carrie Chapman Catt as a young girl, before she became the president of The National American Woman Suffrage Association, as she begins to question: why don’t women have the right to vote? This book is perfect for educating kids on the Women’s Suffrage Movement!

by Kate Messner

Ages 8 - 12

Smash the stories behind famous historical moments and learn the real truth! Utilizing fun graphics and humor, this amazingly disruptive read explores the hidden details behind the fight for women’s right to vote.

by Becca Anderson

Ages 8 - 14

The Book of Awesome Girls celebrates all the incredible young women throughout history who have shaped and continue to shape our world’s future. This book is sure to inspire all young readers, specifically girls, to achieve their goals!

by Katherine Halligan

Ages 8 +

Celebrate 50 inspiring women throughout the world by reading their remarkable true stories! This fun read is not only the story of what women have achieved, but a celebration of what all girls can one day accomplish.

All of these empowering books can be found at Linden Tree Bookstore, a Bay Area family-run children’s bookstore with a highly curated selection of books reflecting a diverse range of voices. 

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