School Library Refurbishing Grants
Schools serving at least 80% Title I qualifying students are welcome to apply for one of our school library projects. Our projects are a free grant to qualifying schools. We typically spend $17,000-$20,000 on each project, the majority of which goes towards the purchase of brand-new books for the library. They also usually include refreshing of the library space, including murals, colorful rugs, and some furnishing as appropriate.
Access Books Bay Area accepts program applications on a rolling basis throughout the school year. Library refurbishment projects are conducted during the school year only, between late September and early May. Each grant project requires a few months of lead time.

Grant Project Steps
Once your application is accepted, the project will require the following steps:
School administrator and/or library staff provide up-to-date statistics on the size, usage, and makeup of the current collection pulled from your library circulation system, as well as a written description of the state of your library and why your school library and students would benefit from an Access Books Bay Area projects at your school.
A project date is set 12-14 weeks after assessment is conducted.
Approximately 1,000+ brand new, library quality hardbound books are ordered at least 6 weeks prior to the project date, along with MARC records and library processing materials (spine and barcode labels and transparent label covers — schools must provide their own dust jacket covers if they wish to have them on the books).
Access Books Bay Area recruits community volunteers to conduct a book drive to collect approximately 2,000 gently used books for your classroom libraries, and to provide volunteers on the day of the project.
Access Books Bay Area staff conduct site visits to assess the library in person and speak with library staff, and to determine areas of greatest need, including assessing need for updated reading furniture and/or rugs, and possible placement of murals.
Comfortable reading furniture is ordered at least 12-14 weeks prior to project date.
School administrator and/or community liaison recruit volunteers for the day of the project.
Project day: We process new and used books, and paint murals.